HTTP Methods.

HTTP methods are like the building blocks of the internet, defining how clients (like your web browser) and servers (the computers hosting websites) communicate with each other. They determine the type of action to be performed on a resource such as retrieving data, submitting information, updating content, or deleting resources.

In this guide, we'll explore the most common HTTP methods and their functions in simple terms, helping you understand how the web works behind the scenes. 

What is HTTP Methods?

HTTP methods, also known as HTTP verbs, are standardized actions that clients can use to communicate with servers over the World Wide Web. These methods define the type of operation the client wants to perform on a specified resource. Each HTTP method has a specific purpose and behavior, contributing to the foundational structure of the HTTP protocol.

Key Features of HTTP Methods.

Here are some key features associated with HTTP methods:
  • Idempotence: Idempotence ensures that performing an operation multiple times has the same effect as performing it once.
  • Safety: Safety ensures that performing an operation does not have any side effects on the server.
  • Statelessness: HTTP is inherently stateless, meaning each request from a client to a server is independent, and the server does not retain any knowledge of the client's previous requests.
  • Content Negotiation: Content negotiation involves the client and server agreeing on the most suitable representation of a resource based on factors such as media type, language, or encoding.
  • Uniform Interface: The uniform interface constraint in RESTful design emphasizes a consistent and standardized way of interacting with resources.
  • Caching: Caching involves storing copies of resources to improve performance and reduce the load on servers.
  • Security: Security considerations involve protecting against potential threats, ensuring secure communication, and handling sensitive data appropriately.

List of HTTP Methods.

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) methods form the backbone of client-server communication. Here is a list of common HTTP methods along with explanations of their purposes:
HTTP Method Function
GET The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve data from a specified resource on the server.
POST The HTTP POST method is used to submit data to a specified resource, often causing a change in state or side effects on the server.
PUT The HTTP PUT method is used to update or replace a resource on the server with the provided data payload.
DELETE The HTTP DELETE method is used to request the removal of a specified resource on the server.
HEAD The HTTP HEAD method is used to retrieve the headers of response for a specified resource, without the body content, allowing a client to check for for the resource's existence, modification date, or other metadata without downloading the full content.
OPTIONS The HTTP OPTIONS method is used to request information about the communication options available for a target resource.
PATCH The HTTP PATCH method allows clients to send a set of changes to be applied to a resource on the server, enabling partial updates without replacing the entire resource.
TRACE The HTTP TRACE method is used for diagnostic purposes, allowing a client to retrieve the entire request as it travels through intermediaries, useful for throubleshooting or debugging network issues.

GET Method.

The HTTP GET method is used to retrieve data from a specified resource on the server. It is one of the most commonly used HTTP methods and is considered "safe" and "idempotent," meaning that it should not cause any side effects on the server and multiple identical requests should have the same result as a single request.

Use Cases of GET Method:
  • Fetching a webpage.
  • Retrieving an image or other static resources.
  • Retrieving data from an API.
GET /example/resource HTTP/1.1

In this example, the GET method is used to retrieve user data and the target resource is /api/users/123. The Host header specifies the domain name.

POST Method.

The HTTP POST method is used to submit data to a specified resource on the server, often leading to the creation of a new resource or the processing of data. Unlike the GET method, which retrieves information, POST is designed for actions that may cause side effects on the server. It is a versatile method commonly used for form submissions, file uploads, and other scenarios where data needs to be sent to the server.

Use Cases of POST Method:
  • Submitting a web form with user input.
  • Uploading files to the server.
  • Sending data for processing, such as creating a new resource.
POST /login HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 27


In this example, the POST method is used to submit login credentials. The target resource is /login. The Content-Type header specifies that the data is in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format. The message body contains the form data (username=johndoe&password=secure123).

PUT Method.

The HTTP PUT method is used to update a resource on the server or create it if it does not exist. It is designed for actions that modify or replace the entire resource, and it is considered idempotent, meaning that making the same PUT request multiple times should have the same effect as a single request. PUT is commonly used for updating or creating resources on the server, such as updating a user's profile information or uploading a new version of a file.

Use Cases of PUT Method:
  • Updating user profile information.
  • Uploading a new version of a file to a server.
PUT /user/profile HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 43

  "username": "johndoe",
  "email": ""

In this example, the PUT method is used to update the user's profile. The target resource is /user/profile. The Content-Type header specifies that the data is in JSON format. The message body contains the updated profile information.

DELETE Method.

The HTTP DELETE method is used to request the removal of a resource on the server. It is designed for actions that delete a specified resource, and it is considered idempotent, meaning that making the same DELETE request multiple times should have the same effect as a single request. DELETE is commonly used for scenarios where a client wants to delete or remove a specific resource, such as deleting a user account or removing a file from a server.

Use Cases of DELETE Method:
  • Deleting a user account.
  • Removing a file or document from a server.
DELETE /user/account HTTP/1.1

In this example, the DELETE method is used to request the removal of the user's account. The target resource is /user/account. The request headers may include additional information or authentication credentials.

HEAD Method.

The HTTP HEAD method is used to retrieve only the headers of a resource from a server, without fetching the actual data. It is similar to the GET method in that it requests information about a resource, but it does not include the resource's body in the response. HEAD is often used when a client is interested in metadata, such as the last modification timestamp or content type, without needing to download the entire content.

Use Cases of HEAD Method:
  • Checking the last modification timestamp of a resource.
  • Verifying resource existence without downloading the entire content.
HEAD /images/logo.png HTTP/1.1

In this example, the HEAD method is used to retrieve only the headers of the image resource. The target resource is /images/logo.png.


The HTTP OPTIONS method is used to retrieve information about the communication options available for a resource on the server. It allows a client to inquire about the allowed methods, headers, or other capabilities supported by the server for a particular resource. OPTIONS requests are useful for discovering the functionality and permissions associated with a resource before making actual requests, providing a way for clients to understand the server's capabilities.

Use Cases of OPTIONS Method:
  • Checking which HTTP methods are supported by a server for a specific resource.
  • Discovering allowed headers or authentication methods.
OPTIONS /api/data HTTP/1.1

In this example, the OPTIONS method is used to retrieve information about the communication options for the resource /api/data.

PATCH Method.

The HTTP PATCH method is used to apply partial modifications to a resource on the server. It allows clients to send a set of changes to be applied to the resource, rather than sending the entire updated representation. PATCH is particularly useful when only specific fields or attributes of a resource need to be modified, providing a more efficient way to update resources compared to PUT.

Use Cases of PATCH Method:
  • Updating specific fields in an existing resource.
  • Making incremental changes to a document or object.
PATCH /user/profile HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 20

  "email": ""

In this example, the PATCH method is used to apply partial modifications to the user's profile. The target resource is /user/profile. The Content-Type header specifies that the data is in JSON format. The message body contains the changes to be applied (updating the email field).

TRACE Method.

The HTTP TRACE method is used for diagnostic purposes and echoes the received request back to the client. It allows clients to see how a request changes as it travels through various intermediaries, such as proxies or gateways. TRACE is not typically used in regular web development but can be helpful in debugging and testing the communication path between a client and a server.

Use Cases of the TRACE Method:
  • Debugging and testing the communication path.
  • Tracing the transformation of a request through proxies.
TRACE /api/data HTTP/1.1

In this example, the TRACE method is used to trace the communication path for the resource /api/data. The target resource is /api/data.

So these are the few important HTTP Methods that you should know when you start your web development as it helps to understand that which method you should use in different conditions.

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